Monday 26 September 2016

Hotel Lock Management- the sensible solution

Most security conscious hotels all over the world have implemented intelligent hotel lock systems. This security system is specially designed to provide maximum protection at a low operation cost. Hotel Lock Security has proudly replaced more traditional forms of security in most modern hotels all over the world.
Ensuring that hotels are safe, secure and that assets are protected is vital. Not only do guest’s belongings need to be protected but so does company information and materials. Hotel Lock Security ensures that only a person with a valid KeyCard is able to access the room.
This intelligent form of security can be changed and updated if so required by hotel management. Ensuring that the hotel is in control at all times and that both property and guests are not at risk is the responsibility of the hotel. With the help of the easy- to use, easy- to- manage Hotel Lock Management system, there is less to worry about. By providing limited access, management is able to have a firm control on the prevention of fraudulent activities and theft.
The Hotel Lock Security System has the following cards for management control:
  • Guest Cards – restricted access for the duration of stay
  • Program Cards – lock setup and initialization
  • Master Card – management card to open all doors
  • Maids Card – opens doors assigned to the maid for a specific time
  • Clock Card – calibrates the door locks on board clocks
  • Floor Card – opens a designated floor
There are of course various benefits to installing Hotel Lock Management. Many of which offer convenience and peace of mind to managers and hotel owners all over the world.
  • Wireless system installation – easy retro-fit on existing hotels
  • Anti-insert alarm function
  • Durable stainless steel ANSI 5-lever latch technology
  • Can control staff and guest access at all times
  • KeyCards can fit into a wallet or purse- less risk of loosing
  • Lost cards can be deactivated and reissued
  • No training is required for system use
Energy saving devices are available that interface to the Hotel Lock Management System. A guest needs to insert their room card into the room energy saver device to turn on lights, air conditioners, power points etc. On departing the room, the card is removed and similarly the room powers down, saving on unnecessary electricity charges.
With hotel security having moved towards the more technical side, there are many other industries that are slowly adopting the more convenient method of security too. Many companies all over the world are adopting this smart security solution. Hotel Lock Management is not only a convenient method, it is also trust worthy. Unlike keys, KeyCards cannot be cut and duplicated. This hotel lock management system has become an integrated part of over 2000 hotels throughout the world. With a high success rate and a number of satisfied customers, Hotel Lock Security is certainly one of the very best ways to protect hotel property.
There are a number of different areas within a hotel that Hotel Lock Management is able to assist with, when it comes to controlling entry : Public Restrooms, Room Safes, Backend Offices, Kitchens, Gyms, Indoor swimming pools, Games rooms as well as vehicle and Pedestrian Gate Entry and Exit
Keeping unwanted visitors or those not staying at the hotel, out of certain areas, is simple and cost effective.

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